Involved in the community, creating change for the better, and opening lines of communication, Mayor Stephanie is dedicated to helping Pottstown become something amazing.
With a proud history of community service, the Mayor creates and get involves in local organizations and programs that are doing good in Pottstown. Balancing a full-time job as an attorney and duties to Pottstown isn’t easy but she wants to give back to a community that has given her so much.

Get to Know Your Mayor
Growing up in Orange County, California, Mayor Stephanie Henrick was involved in multiple community service programs including Habitat for Humanity. When she moved to Southeast Pennsylvania a decade ago, there was just something about Pottstown that kept drawing her to the town. Pottstown ten years ago wasn’t what it is today but she saw so much potential downtown and felt something magical about it.
Buying a house in the Borough, she quickly got involved with the Pottstown Rotary Club. Through the Rotary, she got involved in multiple service projects and met like-minded people who were dedicated to helping Pottstown see its potential and become something amazing.
When mayoral elections rolled around, someone joked that she should become the next mayor. “Why not?” She wanted to give back to a town that had already given so much in a short amount of time. So she ran for mayor, won, and the rest is history.
Started the Love Your Block program and got organizations to help support it
Restarted the Cop Card Program, dedicated to connecting youth with police officers in a positive way.
Helped bring the raising of chickens back into the Borough
Championed and approved sign to commemorate Pottstown Firebirds
Still the Mayor and still want to be the Mayor.
Future Goals
Shephard and push the Love Your Block program to be embraced by the whole town and get people out in their neighborhoods, meeting each other, and building stronger communities.
Introduce new programs and educational tools that help steer students and young people away from guns and drug violence.
Get involved in Strive Intitiatve’s Created for Greatness mentoring program working in Pottstown Middle and High schools.
Drive Climate Change programs in Pottstown that find more sustainable and eco-friendly solutions.
Shepherd and explore Green Spaces in town to improve access for Pottstown citizens to parks and walking paths.
Continue to promote all the amazing qualities Pottstown has to offer.